JROTC Academic

Satellite High School Junior ROTC FL-035

 ROTC Academics

Mission and Objectives of the JROTC Program

The mission of the Air Force Junior ROTC program is to “Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving our nation and community.”

We are a leadership and citizenship training program.

The goal of the JROTC program is to instill in high school cadets the values of:

  • Citizenship

  • Service to the United States

  • Character, personal responsibility

  • Sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

We support the Air Force’s Core Values, which seek to develop integrity (honesty), a sense of service to the community, and a desire to achieve excellence.

The Air Force Core Values, simply stated, are:

Integrity first.

Service before self.

Excellence in all we do.

Your participation in JROTC should help in your development of:

  • Respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority in a democratic society.

  • Patriotism and an understanding of your personal obligation to contribute toward national security.

  • An appreciation for the basic elements of national security.

  • A high degree of personal honor, self-worth, self-discipline and leadership.

  • Organizational skills, orderliness and precision.

  • General knowledge of the aerospace age and fundamental aerospace doctrine.

  • Basic military skills and knowledge of an appreciation for the traditions of the Air Force.

Cadet Honor Code

“I will not lie, cheat, or steal nor will I tolerate those who do”!